Wednesday, June 13, 2012

These days...

You turn on the news and lately all you see is people shooting other people for no reason. Mothers killing their babies, dads killing children's mother while his son watches, people entering hospitals killing people, man upset his wife wants a divorce so he ties her to a chair puts her outside so she can watch her house burn with him and their daughter inside. Newlyweds and either the wife kills the husband or the husband kills the wife. What is wrong with people? You are to have children because you want them, if you happen to get pregnant but can't handle children don't keep them give them a good home they deserve that, don't kill them because you were drunk, high, or just because. Don't get married if you didn't like the man or woman they deserve to be happy not dead. Don't go on a random shooting spree for stupid reasons and kill innocent people who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

This world is falling apart and everyone is terrified. Your kids cant play in the backyard as you prepare dinner because in a split second someone is there abducting them.You only see negative stories on the news and that excites people. No I want to turn on the news and see Eugena turning 102, people helping people, people making a difference in other peoples lives. Instead of showing the people who died serving our country(proud of them) but you never show the ones that have survived maybe lost a limb or two or are in perfectly good health, they all saw people die let them share their stories. How about the people that travel to other countries to give children food, shelter, clothing, and a proper education. There is so much good stuff out there but since that is never shown we forget it exists so we thrive off the shootings, stabbings, car crashes, and that's just plain pathetic.

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