Wednesday, June 13, 2012

These days...

You turn on the news and lately all you see is people shooting other people for no reason. Mothers killing their babies, dads killing children's mother while his son watches, people entering hospitals killing people, man upset his wife wants a divorce so he ties her to a chair puts her outside so she can watch her house burn with him and their daughter inside. Newlyweds and either the wife kills the husband or the husband kills the wife. What is wrong with people? You are to have children because you want them, if you happen to get pregnant but can't handle children don't keep them give them a good home they deserve that, don't kill them because you were drunk, high, or just because. Don't get married if you didn't like the man or woman they deserve to be happy not dead. Don't go on a random shooting spree for stupid reasons and kill innocent people who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

This world is falling apart and everyone is terrified. Your kids cant play in the backyard as you prepare dinner because in a split second someone is there abducting them.You only see negative stories on the news and that excites people. No I want to turn on the news and see Eugena turning 102, people helping people, people making a difference in other peoples lives. Instead of showing the people who died serving our country(proud of them) but you never show the ones that have survived maybe lost a limb or two or are in perfectly good health, they all saw people die let them share their stories. How about the people that travel to other countries to give children food, shelter, clothing, and a proper education. There is so much good stuff out there but since that is never shown we forget it exists so we thrive off the shootings, stabbings, car crashes, and that's just plain pathetic.

Saturday, June 09, 2012

We need an upgrade!

Driving around Cortland disgusts me, the people, the buildings, and the obvious drug activity. My grandpa always tells us stories about what Cortland used to look like, what businesses they use to have, and I have seen many pictures, what happened to that?! Oh maybe because in the subways in NYC there is graffiti that reads "if you are looking for easy welfare go to Cortland." My dad's friend lives down there and he told us about that, what a shame. That is so embarrassing and with welfare comes drugs and with drugs comes crime, everything we do not need. I think welfare needs to be harder to get and you can only be on it for a certain time, then you need to be able to support yourself. If Cortland was safer, cleaner, and had more to offer maybe I would stay here, but it doesn't. Homer is getting just as bad, if you get expelled from Cortland you get shipped to Homer, you moving to Homer isn't going to make you change your ways. You come here and you give it a bad rep, get expelled here, and move on to the next town, what a life. Homer is just as druggy, maybe not as noticeable but we have it, so wake up people, make a difference in the town! Instead of being so dang concerned about no hydrofracking how about cutting down on crime and welfare focus on that then go to hydrofracking. I am sure that many towns are full of drug activity but with all the bath salt weirdness and people eating other people, I hope people in Homer don't have that yet because next thing you know we will be making the news in a bad way, wouldn't want that. 

Another thing is food, in Cortland and Homer all we have to offer is pizza, pizza, and oh wait pizza. Some ice cream, Chinese, and more pizza. We need variety, some hot dog and hamburger places local, and just variety. I have to go Syracuse just to get a good meal, that's no fun traveling all the way up there. We need things to do all we have is bowling, mini golf, and a crappy movie theater. Most people go to Ithaca or Syracuse just to see a movie, pathetic. I don't really have any ideas of what to add to make Cortland more fun but people seem to fill their boredness with parties full of drinking and drugs, what ever floats their boat. Maybe if there was more to do that would be reduced a little or maybe not because that's what they choose to do so they would probably always do that. 

Monday, June 04, 2012

Here's to the future...

Senior year is here and school is almost done for us. Homer was a great place to live and get an education. I had wonderful teachers that helped me grow into the wonderful person I have become. Like a lot of people I will be heading off to continue my life. I cannot wait to go to college and become something I have always dreamed of becoming. Helping people is something I love to do, I know that some days I may think my life sucks, but in reality someone out there has it a lot worse than I do. My goal in life is to find those individuals that have it worse than me and do whatever I can to help change that. I plan on moving away to a warmer state, Alabama, preferably. When there I am going to become a social worker whether it be in a school or a hospital. I would also like to open some type of place for less fortunate families to go. I plan on having a home cooked meal every Sunday, a place where they can get counseling (from me), a place they can have homework help, and a place to relax and make new friends, that they can call family. I know that I am a big dreamer, but I am determined to follow my dreams and hopefully better the world around me. I would love to travel the world or United States helping those in need. I would like to help out at food kitchens, those are my priority, seeing the looks on peoples faces when they receive a hot meal, is priceless. Those are things you and I take for granted, other people have no idea if they will even receive a meal that day. I am thankful that I was raised the way I was, not expecting everything to be handed to me, those kids that have to have all the name brands and whatever else that is "in", need a reality check. Help others before you help yourself, words to live by right there.